Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Failed Attempt.

Kamryn has always been the child who catches on quickly to new things and does change pretty well. So, I naturally assumed that potty training would be challenging but nothing both her and I couldn't handle. I was wrong. After three days (and I know a lot of you are saying, only three days?? you gave up too quickly) I did revert back to the diaper. Why? Because I know my child and it was just not working. I could go into detail about what went wrong and how nothing went right, but my head hurts and I've talked it to death with whoever had the unfortunate luck to call me or be around me the last few days. So, we're retiring the panties for a later date and life can return to normal.


Jodi said...

Amy Amy... she's not going to get it in just 3 days. It took Anni at least a week or two... I know it frustrating and you want to pull your hair out but when is going to be a good time... for sure not when the baby is born =) your too cute stay positive and keep trying.

Amy said...

Believe me, I know that three days isn't 1/16th of the time she needs to catch on. But in all the books I read, it said that if you found yourself pushing your child too hard when they resisted, you should probably take a step back. That you shouldn't fight with the child on it. When Kamryn wet her pants, I was always patient and never got upset, but it became a fight trying to let me clean her up. She didn't want to take the wet undies off, or wouldn't let me wipe her legs or wash her hands. It upset her to be dirty, but it upset her more to be clean. There are other things too, but I just felt like she is not quite there yet. She hasn't actually peed in the toilet yet at all and doesn't show any interest in doing so.

Burnhams said...

Good for you for quitting! Seriously, if they arent ready pushing them is going to do more damage than good. Good for you for knowing your child well enough to know when its not going to happen. She will get there someday.

Anonymous said...

Is she interested in pull-up's? The other thing you could try, and maybe this is just a boy thing, is to throw some cheerios in the toilet and have her do some target practice. It can be fun for all involved.

Grace said...

ummmm....i gave up after 6 hours.

Amy said...

Mary, you always know how to make me feel better. :-)

Kristin said...

so i didn't even begin trying to potty train Stockton until after he turned three! He didn't get it down until about 3 and 1/2 so it definitely took a while... trying on and off. we went through the rounds so i know how it is but don't get discouraged! she'll get it! does she like fishing at all? because if she does you could try letting her fish for a toy or treat each time she goes in the toilet. thats what we did for stockton and he was a little more eager to try that way. :)

Shane said...

So I'm with you! I tried with Mason and after a few days it was SO obvious that it wasn't working. I also felt like pushing him was going to do more damage than good. Everything I read is try it.. and if the child doesn't show interest or remorse for going in their diaper, then they just aren't ready. Mason still hasn't gone #2 in the toilet. BUT he will go potty every time I take him! And he told me a few times last week that he needed to go potty! I still have him sit on the potty and go every time we change his diapers.. And we celebrate the dry diapers.. but I just don't think he's ready for the complete switch! Not until he's willing to try pooping on the potty!

Seriously, don't feel bad! It will happen.. you never hear of a child going to school in diapers!

whitneyingram said...

Best thing I ever did was nothing. I waited until Jack was ready and once he was old enough to understand the logic, he picked it right up. It was totally worth the wait. We have maybe had 3 accidents ever.

Best advise, do nothing. Keep her familiar, but let her dictate it. Keep in mind, she won't go to kindergarten in diapers.