Saturday, February 9, 2013

Precious Pics of my precious kids

So, I have finally caught up to November.  I need to just bust through these next two months and then I will be lifted from the bonds of this blog.  Haha!  These are just some cute pictures I took of the kids in November.  Just scrolling down and looking at these makes me feel incredibly blessed.

 That face down there is a classic Kamryn "snack pack" face.  "It doesn't belong in your face...."

 Bowling is always a hit with our kids!!

 Check out Kamryn's missing teeth!  She lost her front tooth and it the new one has yet to come in.
 This was probably a few weeks after we started bathing Maryn in the big tub...however, she freaked out so she bathed in the big tub in her little tub.  (She has since graduated from the little tub).
 How cute is Maryn on this miniature rocking horse.  I was so tempted to buy that thing on the spot.