Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is Halloween...

Kamryn had a Halloween party at her Preschool. As you can see, our first attempt at taking pictures didn't go so well. A little too much sun, I think. :)
The woman with the huge black wig is Kamryn's teacher, Miss Kristine. She is wonderful and Kamryn really loves her. It's been such a great experience thus far. Thanks to my friend Mary, who took the picture for me since I was busy holding up a tree branch that was getting in the way of the shot. My height is always good for something, it seems.
Ladies and Gentleman, may I present Sleeping Beauty and her guest, the sock monkey. :)

Isn't she beautiful?


Traci said...

They are both so cute! Isn't it great to be tall and be needed? :)

Melissa said...

Cute costumes.