Thursday, July 29, 2010

She's 4!

My little girl is actually 4! Wow! This year, I asked Kamryn what kind of a party she wanted and as you can tell from the pictures, it's "Princess" theme all the way. She also asked for a family party and since most of my family was in town, that worked out nicely too. We had it at my Sister's house and thanks to my brother and sister, the decorations were perfect....along with this birthday hat!
Cousins celebrating! I love Kamryn's expression in this picture. She is such a beautiful girl.
She got a Cinderella centerpiece for the table, but of course, she couldn't just look at it. :)
Just a little game we all know and love...."Stick the Princess on the castle." (Well, at least, it's kind of the same)
Kamryn refused to wear the blindfold so she promised she would close her eyes really tight. Uh huh, sure!
"Present Time, Present Time, Open the presents and see what's inside."

I would have shown you a close up picture of the cake, but it was only to please my darling 4 year old...not you cake critics out there!
Well, she's 4 and she is the joy of my life. We share so many of the same loves. Singing, reading, all things Disney. She is obsessed with letters and their sounds, loves playing with her princess toys, and is enjoying time on the computer too. She and her brother are really starting to get along more together and I love watching them have those precious moments where they find something they can do together. She is still strong-willed, still throws tantrums and can outscream anyone's child, but she is also becoming more loving and more tender and she finds joy in the simplest things. She loves primary and her Sunbeam class and loves Jesus. She is our gorgeous redhead and seriously, I wouldn't change a thing!