Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Howdy from Texas!!

Okay... they don't really say Howdy down here. I've heard "Dag gum" a lot and they call shopping carts "buggies" which is weird to me, but no "Howdy's." Anywhoo... things are good down here. Nice and warm, which I love. Meredith has had a cold for the last couple of days. Her nose runs like a faucet and she hates to have it wiped, so she just looks snotty...yuck! The moving truck arrived yesterday and we got half of it unloaded. Man, we have a lot of CRAP!! I really don't like's way too much work. Well, anyway, I hope everyone will post to this blog! I want to see pictures of my nieces and nephews, and Michele and Teresa's pregnant bellies and stuff like that! So, everyone make posts! Love you all! Here's a few random pictures...


Jason said...

I'm glad you're in Janelle, this blog thing is cool and I hope everyone eventually jumps on the train. Love the pic of Meredith and Dad (Grandpa).