Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Swim Lessons

I have two children who have had issues when it comes to swimming.  Kamryn has always been hesitant in the water.  Logan used to be crazy in the pool and loved the water, but after an incident where he fell in (even though we were there to grab him and pull him out quickly) it kind of freaked him out and he took a couple steps back.  So, I put them both in swimming lessons and they worked like a charm.  Logan is back to himself when it comes to the pool and Kamryn has FINALLY put her head in the water.  Yes, it took that long and it is a big deal!  So, hopefully by next summer both Kamryn and Logan will be swimming on there own.

 Bought the kids goggles to see if it would help them in the pool.  It didn't, but they loved wearing them outside the pool.
 They loved their new backpacks too.


Melissa said...

Glad swimming lessons are working. We need to put Bryson in some just so he's safer in the water.