Sunday, August 9, 2009

She told you!

Jason's friend, Jarom, is in town this week which means there is going to be a "Nerd" night. This means a night full of video games, downloading music, and watching YouTube videos with some random conversations in between. These nights always go late into the night, or should I say, early into the morning. This particular night (Saturday night) the nerdery wasn't over until 4:15am. Needless to say, Jason was tired this morning and I let him sleep in until 10am. After he had been up for awhile and we were getting ready for church, the following conversation ensued....

Amy: "So, how are you feeling? Still feeling tired?

Jason: "Yeah, I'm still tired, but I'll just sleep during church."

Kamryn (who walks in the room while we are talking): "Not sleep in church Daddy! Church is not a bed!"

She told you, honey! :-)


The Cahoons! said...

She needs to tell that to Phill. Making him watch Porter also works but I think Phill gets about the same amount out of Church sleeping or with Porter.

I love that grin on Kamryn.

Jarom and Melissa said...

She's totally right. Jarom didn't sleep in Church, but we left early so he could. Does that count?
-- Melissa